2024-02-01 10:32:26   来源:中国网   评论:0


大家好!今天推荐一个品牌: 中国齐天圣医创始人,院士专家理事 长—张延德先生。在伟大的中国共产党、伟大的时代领袖习近平主席 的领导下,张延德先生坚持走伟大的中医之路。任职北京齐天中医院 院长的张延德院士,不忘初心,牢记使命,组建一支齐天圣医研发团 队。研发的齐天圣医药食同源抗癌系列产品,对调理癌症疗效观察, 对多种癌症及白血病疗效显著,并荣获医学科研成果一等奖;研制的 齐天圣医调胃通便液,对各种便秘患者疗效显著;研发的齐天圣医送 子丸,对不孕不育症及妇科疾病疗效显著;研发的齐天圣医肺癌康复 片,对肺癌疗效显著;研制的由李时珍医药集团及中国茅台齐天圣医 酒酒业集团出品的齐天圣医酒,对瘟疫及风湿骨痛疗效显著,并获一 等奖,并著有《妇儿论治》 《防癌治癌》等书籍,深受中医界及读者好评!

hello  everyone!  Recommend  a  brand  in  China  today. Founder  of  Qi  Tian   Sheng  Doctor.  Academician  and  expert Chairman-  -Zhang  Yande.  He  in  the  great  chairman  of  the communist party of China, the great leader, under the leadership of xi, adhere to the great road of traditional Chinese medicine, as  Beijing day  hospital dean Zhang Yande academician, don't forget to beginner's mind, keep in mind that the mission, to form a  holy  medical  research and development team,  research and development of the holy medicine food origin anticancer series products, to  regulate cancer curative effect observation, for a variety of cancer and leukemia curative effect, and won the first prize  in  medical scientific  research achievements. The gastric defecation  liquid  has  a  remarkable  effect  on  patients  with constipation. Research and development of Qi Tian shengdoctor send son  pills,  infertility  and  gynecological  diseases  effect  is remarkable.  The  lung  cancer  rehabilitation  film  developed  by Qishan Holy Hospital has a significant effect on lung cancer. It has a significant effect on plague and rheumatic bone pain, and won the first prize. And produced by Li Shizhen Pharmaceutical Group    and    China    Moutai    QMedical    Liquor    Group    Co., LTD."Women  and  Children  on  treatment",  "Cancer  Prevention and  Treatment"  monographs,  by  the   Chinese  medicine  and readers!



院士专家理事长… 张延德认为:

Academician  and  expert  chairman... Zhang Yande  believes that:

身体健康是一个人最大的底气,健康比什么都重要,就算身处低 谷,都有逆风翻盘的可能;失去健康,就算富甲一方,也会瞬间化为 泡影。健健康康的活着,就是人生最大的资本。人生就是一场长跑,拥有健康的体魄,才能成为最后的赢家。

Good  health   is  a  person's  greatest  confidence.  Health   is more important than anything else. Even if you are at a low point, there is a possibility of turning against the wind. If you lose your  health, even if you are rich, you will instantly turn into nothing.  Healthy living is the greatest capital of life. Life is a long run.

Only with a healthy body can you become the final winner.

观今如见古,无古不成今。人生最难得,健康最重要。所以,我们 要爱惜健康,认真学好中医,掌握伟大的时代领袖习近平签署主席令《中医药法》正式颁布附后,认真学习,活学活用,为健康而奋斗!

Good  health   is  a  person's  greatest  confidence.  Health   is more important than anything else. Even if you are at a low point, there is a possibility of turning against the wind. If you lose your  health, even if you are rich, you will instantly turn into nothing.  Healthy living is the greatest capital of life. Life is a long run.

Only with a healthy body can you become the final winner.

习近平签署主席令 ,《中医药法》正式颁布



目 录


第一章 总 则

Chapter I General rules

第二章 中医药服务

第三章 中药保护与发展

第四章 中医药人才培养

第五章 中医药科学研究

第六章 中医药传承与文化传播

第七章 保障措施

第八章 法律责任

第九章 附 则

Chapter II TCM Services

Chapter III Protection and development of traditional Chinese medicine

Chapter IV Training of TCM personnel

Chapter V Scientific research of traditional Chinese medicine

Chapter VI Traditional Chinese medicine inheritance and

cultural dissemination

Chapter VII Safeguards

Chapter VIII Legal liability

Chapter IX Supplementary Provisions

第一章 总 则

Chapter I General rules

第一条 为了继承和弘扬中医药,保障和促进中医药事业发展,保护人民健康,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is enacted with a view to inheriting and promoting traditional Chinese medicine, ensuring and promoting the development of traditional Chinese medicine and protecting the people's health.

第二条 本法所称中医药,是包括汉族和少数民族医药在内的我国各民族医药的统称,是反映中华民族对生命、健康和疾病的认识,具有悠久历史传统和独特理论及技术方法的医药学体系。

Article 2 The term "Traditional Chinese medicine" as used in this Law refers to the medicine of all ethnic groups in China,including the medicine of the Han and minority nationalities, and is a medical and pharmaceutical system with a long history and tradition and unique theories and techniques that reflect the Chinese nation's understanding of life, health and diseases.

第三条 中医药事业是我国医药卫生事业的重要组成部分。国家大力发展中医药事业,实行中西医并重的方针,建立符合中医药特点的管理制度,充分发挥中医药在我国医药卫生事业中的作用。

Article 3 The undertaking of traditional Chinese medicine is an important component of China's medical and health undertakings. The state puts equal emphasis on developing traditional Chinese medicine, establishes a management system in line with the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine, and gives full play to the role of traditional Chinese medicine in China's medical and health undertakings.


The development of TCM should follow the law of TCM development, adhere to the combination of inheritance and innovation, maintain and give full play to the characteristics and advantages of TCM, and use modern science and technology to promote the development of TCM theory and practice.


The state encourages traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine to learn from each other, complement each other, coordinate their development, give full play to their respective advantages, and promote the integration of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

第四条 县级以上人民政府应当将中医药事业纳入国民经济和社会发展规划,建立健全中医药管理体系,统筹推进中医药事业发展。

Article 4 People's governments at or above the county level shall incorporate the undertakings of traditional Chinese medicine into their plans for national economic and social development, establish a sound management system for traditional Chinese medicine, and promote the development of traditional Chinese medicine in a coordinated manner.

第五条 国务院中医药主管部门负责全国的中医药管理工作。国务院其他有关部门在各自职责范围内负责与中医药管理有关的工作。

Article 5 The competent department of traditional Chinese medicine under The State Council shall be responsible for the administration of traditional Chinese medicine throughout the  country. Other relevant departments under The State Council shall be responsible for work related to the administration of traditional Chinese medicine within the scope of their respective functions and duties.


The competent departments of traditional Chinese medicine under the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the administration of traditional Chinese medicine in their respective administrative areas. Other relevant departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the work related to the administration of traditional Chinese medicine within the scope of their respective functions and duties.

physician and its scope of practice in a prominent position in the clinic, and shall not carry out medical activities beyond the scope of the record. The specific measures shall be formulated by the competent department of traditional Chinese medicine under The State Council and submitted to the administrative department of health under The State Council for examination and issuance.

第十五条 从事中医医疗活动的人员应当依照《中华人民共和国执业医师法》的规定,通过中医医师资格考试取得中医医师资格,并进行执业注册。中医医师资格考试的内容应当体现中医药特点。

Article 15 Persons engaged in traditional Chinese medicine medical activities shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Practicing Doctors, obtain the qualification of traditional Chinese medicine doctors through the qualification examination for Traditional Chinese medicine doctors and register for practice. The content of the TCM doctor qualification examination should reflect the characteristics of TCM.


Persons who have learned Chinese medicine by way of training or have practiced it for many years and have real expertise in medicine can obtain the qualification of Chinese medicine doctors after being recommended by at least two Chinese medicine doctors and passing the examination of practical skills and effects organized by the competent department of Chinese medicine of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government; After registration in accordance with the content of the assessment, you can engage in TCM medical activities in the form of individual practice or in medical institutions within the registered scope of practice. The competent department of traditional Chinese medicine under The State Council shall, in light of the safety risks of traditional Chinese medicine techniques and methods, formulate classified assessment measures for the personnel provided for in this paragraph and submit them to the administrative department of health under The State Council for examination and issuance.

第十六条 中医医疗机构配备医务人员应当以中医药专业技术人员为主,主要提供中医药服务;经考试取得医师资格的中医医师按照国家有关规定,经培训、考核合格后,可以在执业活动中采用与其专业相关的现代科学技术方法。在医疗活动中采用现代科学技术方法的,应当有利于保持和发挥中医药特色和优势。

Article 16 A medical institution of traditional Chinese medicine shall be staffed mainly by professional and technical personnel of traditional Chinese medicine, and shall mainly provide traditional Chinese medicine services. Doctors of traditional Chinese medicine who have obtained the qualification of doctors through the examination may, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, adopt modern scientific and technological methods related to their profession in their practice activities after being trained and passed the examination. The use of modern scientific and technological methods in medical activities shall be conducive to maintaining and giving full play to the characteristics and advantages of traditional Chinese medicine.


Community health service centers, township health centers, community health service stations and village clinics where conditions permit shall be reasonably equipped with professional and technical personnel of traditional Chinese medicine, and apply and promote appropriate techniques and methods of traditional Chinese medicine.

第十七条 开展中医药服务,应当以中医药理论为指导,运用中医药技术方法,并符合国务院中医药主管部门制定的中医药服务基本要求。

Article 17 The services provided by traditional Chinese medicine shall be guided by the theories of traditional Chinese medicine, the techniques and methods of traditional Chinese medicine shall be applied, and the basic requirements for traditional Chinese medicine services formulated by the competent department of traditional Chinese medicine under The State Council shall be met.

第十八条 县级以上人民政府应当发展中医药预防

Article 18 People's governments at or above the county level shall develop TCM prevention






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Contact number: 15910531101


2023 年 11 月 22 日

Beijing Qixian Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine On November 22,2023